Thursday, January 21, 2010

Theme: Mall
Dates: January 19-29
From: Tanya

Language Experiences:

  • The teachers will put on another famous "Made for television" skit about going to the mall and many of the things you can see and do there.
  • Make a purse/wallet with toy money and pretend to go shopping at the mall.
  • Make an "I love you Dad" place mat for our Dad's breakfast.
  • Make beaded jewelry and pretend to "buy" it at the jewelry store.
  • Play a "shoe mix up" game to match, sort, and try on various shoes at the "Shoe store."
  • Make candy to sell at our candy store.
  • Have a candy store in the fellowship hall and "sell" it to our friends and teachers.
  • Have our very own pet store in my room:)
  • Create a "NV Mall" with each classroom being a different type of store. This is always a lot of fun!

Vocabulary: shoe store, pet store, jewelry (earrings, necklace, ring, bracelet), clothes, toys, cash register, purse, wallet, candy store, gum, gumball, buy, cashier, mall, elevator, parking lot, Target

Notes: Please note some of the activities I've included at the end of this letter that you could do with your child at home that may help reinforce the language and vocabulary learned at school . In each individual letter that is sent home, I will also include a few language targets that we are working on each week so you can encourage your child to use these structures at home as well. Siblings can also take part in these fun activities! Please let me know if you have any other thoughts or ideas!

Show and Tell:

Monday: Ben D. and Kennedy

Wednesday: Isiah and Frank

Friday: Sooah and Rilee

Home Activities:

  • Set up a little "store" with play money and items to "buy." Take turns buying items and working as the cashier in the store.
  • Take your child to the mall to give them a hands on experience.:) Maybe allow them to buy something very small like a gumball or a snack at the food court where they are given the opportunity to give the money to the cashier using appropriate language/manners etc.
  • Pull out a bunch of shoes and practice sorting, matching, and trying them on. You can talk about whose shoes are the biggest/smallest/fit/don't fit etc.
  • Have your child make "play" money with paper, markers, scissors etc. They can practice asking "How much money do you want/have?"

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Theme: Look, Listen, and Learn (The 5 Senses)
Dates: January 5-15
From: Tanya

Language Experiences:

  • Make magic "goop" with cornstarch and water.
  • Make a texture book with fabric, sand paper, fleece, tape, smooth paper, and bubble wrap.
  • Sniff smelly sensory cups and try to guess what is inside.
  • Make air popped popcorn while using all of our five senses. Yummy!:)
  • Taste various foods that are bitter, sweet, sour, salty, minty etc.
  • Make delicious pudding and explore using all of our five senses.
  • Make pipe cleaner glasses and go on an outside walk to explore nature.
  • Make mirrors and go on a "reflection walk" around the school to explore all of the things we might see our reflection in.


The 5 senses, hear/listen, taste, smell/sniff, see/look/watch, touch/feel, sweet, salty, sour, bitter, sparkly, whisper, shiny, rough, smooth, hard, soft, sticky, squishy, daytime, nighttime, bright, reflect


Welcome back everyone!! I hope you all had a nice and relaxing holiday with your family. While I enjoyed a little break, I really looked forward to seeing your children again today! They are doing fabulous! Due to some changes in the schedule, we will not have our typical show and tell schedule this week...however it will resume again next week (please see date changes below). I'm looking forward to exploring our 5 senses this week and next! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Show and Tell Dates:

Monday: Ben D. and Kennedy

Wednesday: Isiah and Frank

Friday: Sooah