Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Theme: Community Helpers
Date: September 21-October 2
From: Tanya

Language Experiences:
  • Talk about the dentist and brush our teeth (after making them dirty with oreos)

  • Learn about a Hair Stylist's job and give a doll a hair cut and style:)

  • Learn about a Doctor's job and experiment with some of the equipment that they use.

  • Make a Doctor's bag complete with cotton balls, band aids, and gauze.

  • Have a mystery guest hair stylist do a demonstration.

  • Learn about a Mail Carrier's job and write a letter and mail it to someone.

  • The teachers will put on a police officer skit!:)

  • Make edible stoplights.

  • Pretend to be an artist and display our class art in the "Art Gallery."

  • Learn about firefighters and act out putting out a fire and safety strategies to use if there is a fire (i.e., "Stop, Drop, and Roll").

Vocabulary: toothpaste, toothbrush, dentist, teeth, band aid, leg, arm, mail carrier, doctor, sneeze, cough, mail box, stamp, short hair, long hair, curly hair, straight hair, mail truck, post office, firefighter, hose, police officer, badge, police car, fire truck, fire station, police station, ticket, fire hydrant

Comments: Just a reminder there is no school on Monday, September 28th. Also, thanks for remembering to send show and tell in with your child on their assigned day. This facilitates a lot of language as they love talking about their own things!

Show and Tell Days:

Monday: Ben D. and Kennedy

Wednesday: Frank and Sooah

Friday: Esther and Isiah

Monday, September 14, 2009

Theme: All About Me and Body
Dates: September 8-18
From: Tanya

Language Experiences:

  • "I have something in my backpack"...open our backpacks and learn about all the different school supplies we need.
  • Read "The Gingerbread Boy" and go around the school to search for him while learning about the different rooms in the school.
  • Role play various rules we use in school and make a "Rule Book"
  • Make a"School Snack Mix"...while learning about sharing with our friends.
  • Trace our bodies on butcher paper and learn the names of our different body parts.
  • Make a pizza face with english muffins, cheese, sauce, pepperoni and olives.
  • Make our hand prints and foot prints using paint and markers.
  • Make a paper plate face complete with our implants/hearing aids, eyebrows, eyelashes etc.
  • Wash a toy baby while using language and vocabulary from our "Body" theme.
Vocabulary: (Your child will be exposed to many of these vocabulary words throughout the two week theme. However, they will only be expected to learn 8 to 10 or more of the words expressively.) stapler, paper clip, eraser, paintbrush, pencil, pen, desk, markers, crayons, clock, tissue, backpack, scissors, tape, school, glue bottle, glue stick, teeth, foot, hand, eyes, nose, hair, tummy, belly button, ear, leg, arm, mouth, shoulders, fingers, face, toes, neck, tongue, ankle, eyebrow, eyelashes, wrist, thumb, back, chin, fingernail, forehead

Comments: Welcome back to school! It has been a pleasure to see all of your faces again! All of the children seem so excited and ready to be back in school...and we are too! I sent a letter home last week introducing myself and discussing the procedure for Show and Tell. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!

Show and Tell Dates:

Kennedy and Ben D.
Wednesday: Sooah and Frank
Friday: Isiah and Esther